Sunday, 2 February 2014

'While the rationalisation, organisation and intellectual dissection of the natural world is an activity that humankind has engaged in for centuries, it is important to remember that nature still retains the capacity to undo our orderly constructs and reclaim the landscape for its own.' 

R.O’Reilly 2014


Pigott & Warin said...

Anyone who has a garden or a house will know that we are in constant conflict with nature, trying to reclaim it's territory from us. Why, then, do we still love nature and natural beauty.

Anonymous said...

Because deep down we know that nature is really our home? It's where we have come from and return to eventually. The trick, I guess, is to embrace and live in harmony with nature, and not in conflict with it. Discuss...

Pigott & Warin said...

Sometimes it seems like we are such a long way away from living naturally now it's hard to know how to get back. I suppose that means making a way for water to run away safely, rather than tanking the walls to try and keep it out of the workshop?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to harvest the water to use or create some form of irrigation system. Tanking feels like a final last ditch effort when no other options are available.

Pigott & Warin said...

A water wheel, do you think?